I am very natural kind of person, I do use things to enhance the look, but I don’t normally use artificial or fake things, but today I am going to use lenses and that is going to be my first ever chance when I am using lenses and I am pretty happy with the look cause I look so different with that, and I feel good too, I have very wheat complexion and with dark eye brows and hair, blue look pretty cute. so are you ready to see a very bright and very glamorous look?
We will apply the base and all that and make the face ready for this beautiful and cute look, and then we will start with the eyes, I first groom my eye, so we will apply the eye primer and then while it is getting absorbed, apply some matching eye shadow on your eye brow and blend it well and then we will come back to eyes, we will start with base shade and for that I am using smooth baby pink Motives Eye Base all over lid and some of it over the lower lash line and then we will take flat eye shadow brush and then we will blend it well over the inner 3/4 of the lid, now we will take Electric Blue liner and will draw a outline over the half moon shape from the outer crease to the top lash line and then we will blend it carefully and shade in the outer v area.
Now we will take the flat angle brush and we will take a bit darker shade over it and we will blend the blue shade with that, we will take the shade all over the crease and blend well, don’t blend over the pink shade though, keep blending the shade and blend it under the lower lash line too with the same blue shade, if you don’t have the shade then you can use the eye pencil over there too.
Now we will take small fluffy crease brush and take Cappuccino brown shade with that and apply it over the inner crease and blend it off over the outer crease and mix it up with darker blue shade and then take plain smooth Vanilla eye shadow and apply at the inner corner of the eyes and over the eye brow bone too, now if you want to add the glittery look then use Diamond glitter on top of the lid shadow using glitter adhesive, or you can use glitter and apply some simple eye liner over the lid and finish the mascara, apply smooth pink cheeks and cute pink lips with brighter liner.
Best of luck, happy holidays