Having soft, supple and young-looking skin is a natural desire of every woman. But we start noticing various skin issues as we turn to the forties. In this stage of life, the sebaceous glands produce less amount of the sebum, which thereafter result as extra dry and saggy skin.
However this awful condition can be avoided for long time by taking the precautions from early age.
In order to maintain the elasticity and suppleness of skin, the given-below skin tightening masks can help you to great extent. To get maximum results, apply any of these masks at least twice in fifteen days.
Homemade Skin Tightening Masks
1. Egg White Mask
Egg white mask is one of the most effective skin tightening masks. Egg is loaded with the beneficial nutrients which provides your skin a complete nourishment in addition to upgrading its suppleness. To prepare this face mask, take an egg and separate its white from the yellow. Now beat the egg white properly until it becomes fluffy. Apply the beaten-egg mask directly onto the facial skin and allow it to dry, then wash out with tepid water.
2. Egg White & Yogurt Mask
Another simple yet effective skin tightening mask can be prepared by combining egg white, sugar and yogurt. For this, you need 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1/8th teaspoon of sugar. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and spread this face mask on your face. Let the mask stay there until it has dried, then rinse off with fresh water. The yogurt clears the skin, egg white works for skin tightening, while the addition of sugar makes it a perfect exfoliator.
3. Cabbage & Rice Flour Mask
Cabbage leaves are well-known for fighting against saggy skin and fine lines. The smashed cabbage leaves, teamed up with rice flour and few drops of olive oil, work excellently to fix the loose skin. The egg white can also be added in this mask to make it more advantageous.