No one wants the dirt. Home is the place which not only give you shelter and security from the hazards of atmosphere but also the place which give you the time of relaxation according to your own will. So the neat and clean environment is liked by every one naturally. But today’s busy life we have to schedule all our works in order to avoid disorganization and mental tension.
The cleansing of home is just like the process of making a necklace of beads which are gathered in a string in a day and the next day again these beads spread and have to gather again in a string due to the polluted environment and different house hold activities. So if the cleansing is done on daily basis it will require much spare time for this. So the deep cleansing is if done at weekly basis it will save much of our time for other activities and also keep the massive dirt away from home.
There are some tips to clean the home at week basis;
- First of all make schedule of cleansing places according to their priorities and this will allow you to plan what to be clean first and what to be for next.
- Assign the different work of cleansing to different persons in home as husband, children or any room mate. It will create the sense of owner ness and responsibility in them, as well as it save the time of yours.
- While selecting the places to be cleaned first took the glance of those places which are used more as living room, common room kitchen, bathrooms then go to the other spaces of home as study room, bed room which are used only durig the specific period of time.
- The things which are more prominent in home as floors, towels, etc are to be cleaned first. Then the walls other useable utensils and clothes come according to their daily need basis.
Take the immediate step to clean your house as the dirt is found, it will save you from great exertion when cleaned after week.