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Top 6 Dark Skin Beauty Tips For Fair skin


Dark skin beauty tips complexion isn’t something annoying, but it can be very irritating for those who pine for a fair skin. Many people are the beholders of naturally dark skin, but some other experience the darkened complexion due to various factors such as skin diseases, and environmental factors etc.

Best 6 Dark Skin Beauty Tips Step By Step

However, it isn’t an incurable issue, you can easily get desired skin with home remedies. The causes and solutions of dark skin beauty tips & dark skin tone are discussed in this article; read on …. And use the tricks if you feel they can work for you.

01. Symptoms of Dark Skin

Blackish or dark-brown complexion, coupled with dark patches or blemishes occasionally, are the indicators of dark skin.

02. Causes of Dark Skin

With genes as the most common cause, there could be many causes of dark skin tone such as hyperpigmentation, skin related ailments, environmental factors or unhealthy habits etc.

03. Hyper pigmentation

The excessive production of the pigment melanin by the skin cells is referred as Hyperpigmentation. This condition makes the skin darker than normal.

04. Skin Disorders

Certain skin conditions also cause the skin to become darker than its natural color. One such condition is Lichen Simplex Chronicus that triggers severe itching, leaving the skin dark, patchy and thick.

05. Over Sun Exposure

Another factor that contributes to dark and tanned skin is over exposure to sun. It’s a natural mechanism actually; when you get exposed to the sun, your skin produces more melanin that act as the barrier against UV rays emitted by the sun and don’t let them penetrate into your skin.

06. Home Remedies for Dark Skin

However, you can achieve the longed for complexion using the home-grown products. These home-based products are made from natural ingredients and give you the permanent outcome if you use them on daily basis.

Dark Skin Women

  • Mix one teaspoon of milk powder, honey and lemon juice together and add ½ tsp almond oil to it. Dark skin beauty tips apply the resultant mixture allover your face for almost ten to fifteen minutes and then wash off. This pack will render you naturally glowing skin while removing the tan.

Dark Skin Models

  • Mix oatmeal, curd and tomato juice together to get a paste and apply it on your face. Allow the treatment to exercise its effects over your skin for twenty minutes and then rinse your face with cold water. This effective homemade treatment will help lightening your skin and removing the tan.

Dark Skin around Neck


  • Placing sliced uncooked potato over the face is an efficient remedy for eliminating blemishes and other blots.
  • Treating the skin with a mixture of turmeric powder and lime juice is helpful in getting rid if tan.
  • A mixture of orange peels and curd also helps reducing blemishes and marks. Rinse off the mixture after fifteen minutes of application using cold water.

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