Nail polish always plays a vital role in adding the women beauty. The trends in manicure change with the fashion and with the season. At first the glossy nail polish remains in trend for long period but now a day the matte nail polish finds the place. It is a bit different task to apply the matte nail polish so there are certain tips for the application.
Matte nail polish techniques as follows;
- The matte nail polish is in fashion from 1992 and it takes the place of shiny and glossy nail polish. Women liked the change instantly. It replaced the old technique of nail polish application to make the nails shiny. But it requires special skill because when if it is applied with base coat and top coat it will become too glossy. And if not applied properly it will after one day turn to be chipping or peeling and leaves the nails with ugly looks.
- If there is any scrap or stains of previous nail polish it will be removed completely at first.
- The transparent base coat should not be applied in case of matte nail polish because if it is applied it will give the uneven texture after application of matte nail polish.
- It is suggested to apply the single coat of matte nail polish with the fine brush so that it covers the nail with even surface.
- Allow it to dry patiently otherwise it will be peeled of suddenly. So give time to adhere it.
- Not apply any top coat on It, because if applied it will change the matte appearance to the shiny look
- The matte nail polishes works well for shorter nail because in longer nails if more then one brush coat is applied to cover the nails it will cause chipping and peeling at the tips.
The matte nail polishes have many daring shades which when applied properly have there own worth in trend setting.